
Wangbo will always put customers values first

About us

About us

Please check Wangbo's company introduction.


■    Wangbo Co., Ltd. leads the sanitary nonwoven fabric market with constant efforts and innovative products.

O u r   p h i l o s o p h y   t o w a r d   t h e   G l o b a l

We will always listen to the opinions of our customers first and move foward to be a global leader in the sanitary nonwoven fabric industry

Wangbo Co., Ltd. is a company that manufactures sanitary nonwoven fabrics, 
that has expanded its excellent talent and latest facilities to produce 
high-functional products that can be applied to diapers for infants 

and adults, sanitary pads for women, and respiratory masks.

We have obtained ISO9001 (Quality Management System Certification), 
ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System Certification), Q mark, 
Small and Medium Business Administration designation, 

INNO-BIZ selection, and venture companies.

Currently, we have developed eco-friendly lamination technology using ultrasonic waves, 

functional pattern designs, and highly functional absorbents.

We promise to do our best for all our customers and will strive to be the best in the 

sanitary nonwoven fabric industry by providing differentiated quality products and services.