R & D
Wangbo will always strive to develop differentiated products and production technologies
R & D
Wangbo will always strive to develop differentiated products and production technologies
R & D
R&D Activities
Please check Wangbo's R&D Center
■ Wangbo Co., Ltd. leads the sanitary nonwoven fabric market with constant efforts and innovative products
ATB Non-woven_Air Through Bonded Non-woven
Produced in the latest facilities, Wangbo's Premium ATB Non-woven fabric delivers innovative, diverse and luxurious quality to customers. It is mainly used in the top sheet, ADL, and sider cover of diapers and sanitary pads. Recently, we are working on developing various sanitary household goods nonwoven fabrics such as masks
Functional Pattern Designs_Lamination, Aperture, Patterning
Wangbo develops its own unique functional patterns to produce a variety of functional premium nonwoven products that are luxurious and differentiated. Working with ultrasonic lamination & pattern technology, we are working on developing various patterns to meet various customer needs and create new customer value
High-Performance Abosrbents_Pulp Sheet & SAP Sheet
It is a highly functional absorber used in the Absorbent layer of diapers and sanitary pads, and based on Wangbo's unique technology, we can produce a high-weight Pulp Sheet (max). 240gsm, high-weight SAP Sheet (max. 500gsm) products. We will continue to contribute to the development of various sanitary products by developing absorbers of various configurations.
Natural and Biodegradable Products
Wangbo produces safer and more sustainable household and industrial non-wovens by developing the production process and manufacturing technology using natural and biodegradable raw materials We contribute to the reduction of plastics and waste of disposable products which are the main causes of environmental pollution
폐사에서는 인체에 유해한 물질을 줄이고자 독자적으로 친환경 합지기술을 개발하였습니다. 탑시트층과 흡수분산층을 기존에는 열가소성수지를 가열 용융시켜 접착하였으나, 폐사의 초음파합지기술을 통한 무접착제 합지공정으로 친환경 제품을 제조하고 있습니다. 왕보에서는 이처럼 안전을 생각하는 제품 개발을 위해 부단히 노력하고 있습니다.
왕보에서는 자사만의 특별한 기능성 pattern 개발을 통해 더욱 더 차별화된 제품을 구현하고 있습니다. 친환경 합지 기술과 더불어 초음파를 통한 pattern 구현으로 기능성 부직포를 발현합니다.
고객사의 요구에 맞는, 용도에 맞는 흡수체 개발을 위해 끊임없이 노력해왔습니다. 그 결과, 타사와는 차별화된 흡수코어의 개발에 성공하였으며 고중량의 순수 pulp sheet의 구현도 가능하게 되었습니다. 유연하고 도톰한 pulp, sap sheet를 통해 더욱더 flexible한 완제품을 발현할 수 있습니다.