Wangbo will always put customers values first
Wangbo will always put customers values first
CEO Message
CEO Message
Please check Wangbo's CEO Message.
We will always listen to our customers and continue to improve and innovate to become a global leader in the sanitary premium nonwoven fabric industry
Welcome to Wangbo Co., Ltd.
Founded in 1989, Wangbo Co., Ltd. has been constantly developing new products and innovating its management with the vision of a global leader in the sanitary premium nonwoven fabric industry. We continue to make efforts to increase the value and awareness of the premium nonwoven fabric industry for hygiene by developing high-performance absorbents, ultrasonic lamination technology, various pattern products, and eco-friendly and biodegradable nonwoven fabrics.
Recently, customers' needs for sanitary nonwoven products have become more diverse and require higher levels of quality. Wangbo Co., Ltd. continues to improve and innovate with the goal of satisfying customers with high productivity, reasonable price, and stable and high quality of products.
Products produced by Wangbo's ultrasonic technology, high functional absorber production technology, eco-friendly and biodegradable technology are used as raw materials by companies that produce the best hygiene products in Korea and overseas global companies.
Wangbo will continue to take the lead in creating value for customers and sanitary nonwoven fabric market as a company that fulfills social responsibility. In addition, we will focus on developing eco-friendly, biodegradable nonwoven fabrics and production technologies that will contribute to the healthy life of customers and the reduction of microplastics and carbon emissions to become a sustainable company
CEO / Hyun Tae Kim